About Arles
Galerie Huit is located centrally in the beautiful, historic French city of Arles, in the heart of the region of Provence. The gallery is minutes walking distance from Roman monuments, Renaissance palaces, religious edifices, world-class art museums, the LUMA Foundation and the Fondation Van Gogh and The National School of Photography neighbouring contemporary galleries. Arles has been the inspiring setting for many artists, including Pablo Picasso, photographer Lucien Clergue and painter Vincent Van Gogh, who created over 300 works here. Today, the important LUMA Foundation is attracting other private initiatives, making Arles one of Europe’s most dynamic cultural hubs. For many decades, Arles is home to numerous art festivals and events throughout the year, including:
Les Rencontres d’Arles
Les Suds
Arles Contemporain
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